Secrets Of Crystals
Project description in 3 sentences
The player is immersed in a fantastic world, where he will have to explore mines of different biomes, extract many different minerals and fight monsters. The game will also feature a system of pumping the character's equipment and rating, which will show the most successful explorers.
General characteristics of the project
  • Android
  • IOS
  • English
  • SteamWorld Dig
  • 16 weeks
Key technologies of the project
Team members
  • TileMap
  • URP
  • Unity 2D Animation
  • Zenject
  • DOTween
  • OAuth 2.0
  • Game Designer
  • Unity Developer
  • 2D Artist
  • UI/UX Designer
  • Platformer
Client's request
The customer came to us with a request to create a unique platformer game with elements of exploration and character progression, called "Secrets Of Crystals". The main goal is to create a game that will be interesting for different age groups and will be available on Android and iOS platforms.
We formed a team consisting of a game designer, developer, 2D artist and UI/UX designer. We spent 16 weeks developing the game, applying various technologies and tools to ensure effective development control. The result is a game in which the player can explore different biomes, mine minerals, fight monsters, improve their character's equipment and compete in rankings with other players.
Target audience
Group 1:
Age: 15-25 years old.

Interests: sci-fi, adventure, exploration.

Expectations: fascinating plot, bright and interesting gameplay.

What they won't be interested in without: character pumping and exploration elements.

Type of player according to Bartle:
  • Explorers.
Group 2:
Age: 26-35 years old.

Interests: geology, mythology, cryptozoology.

Expectations: deep and multifaceted world, opportunity to learn something new.

What they won't be interested in without: no learning elements or deep story.

Type of player according to Bartle:
  • Explorers;
  • Achievers.
Group 3:
Age: 36-45 years old.

Interests: video games, technology, science.

Expectations: complex tasks, intellectual challenges.

What you won't be interested in without: challenging puzzles and strategic planning.

Type of player according to Bartle:
  • Explorers;
  • Achievers
Three features that make the project unique
  • 100+ unique minerals and resources.
  • Random room generation that will provide a unique gameplay experience.
  • Destructible locations.
Pixel aesthetics
The main task of art in the game is to create a unique pixel aesthetic that enhances the feeling of immersion in the fantastic world of the game. The design should help the player feel the joy of exploration and the sense of satisfaction from mining valuable minerals. The visuals should stimulate a sense of curiosity and excitement about discovering new biomes and treasures.
Team of Visualizers/Designers
UI/UX Designer
Creates a user-friendly interface and develops its animations and transitions.

This specialist creates 2D graphics and animations for the game, including characters, backgrounds, and various objects.

2D Artist
Key technologies of the project
    Is a Unity tool that allows developers to create 2D game levels by organizing and combining small images called tiles. Each tile represents a small part of the level, such as the ground, walls, or obstacles. With Tilemap, developers can easily create levels by simply placing tiles on a grid.
    An open-source dependency injection container targeted for use with the Unity3D game engine, providing functionality on most platforms supported by Unity3D.
    Provides artist-friendly workflows that allow you to quickly and easily create optimized graphics across multiple platforms.
    Faster skinning for frame-by-frame animation, allows you to use old animations for new sprite sets.
Unity 2D Animation
    Fast, efficient, fully type-safe object-oriented animation engine for Unity, optimized for C# users.
    An authorization protocol, needed for granting access to a set of resources, for example, remote APIs or user data.
OAuth 2.0