Specialists involved: Unity/C# Developer, Tester, UI/UX designer, 3D Designer, Game Designer

Platforms: Android / IOS.

Game genre: NFT, Runer

Project description:

Leopards - as an endangered species on Planet Earth, were put on a huge spaceship and sent to a planet much more conducive to their survival and development. This is the idea of our client which interested us a lot. Leo Kings is a crypto runner project, and the main reference was Subway Surfers. In the first stage of development of the project were involved just several specialists from our side: Unity/C# Developer and QA specialist. After realizing that specialists from the client's side (3D Modeller and UI/UX designer) cannot comply with the quality of development we have involved our specialists who increased the general quality of in-game design. The client insisted on continuing working on created models of his team. The result can see below :)

Leo Kings
Technical features

3D Runner designed for the NFT platform. This runner features infinite random world generation based on obstacle generation patterns created by gamemaker in custom editor. This project actively uses a lot of visual effects designed by VFX specialist, which required additional time to optimize the application through various tools such as Lod groups, batting of objects, as well as work with the simplification of mash objects. To interact with the blockchain component of the project, saving user data and participating in tournaments, a custom API was connected.
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